Alright, I've been persuaded to write in my blog more often. I'm surprised that someone has seen something worthwhile in it!
I feel that, the feeling boredom and lack of purpose in life can be potentially disasterous. Sometimes you need a little something to cheer you up. Beauty is the easiest to observe.I love to notice little details within a mundane environment, when I'm not being occupied by my tiredness- to mentally frame a particular moment and store it in your gallery. Like those silly photos you have filling up your memory of your digital camera, yet you can't delete them. Because, musing over seemingly unimportant things is not a pointless indulgence, it is healthy to remember how a child wonders at the world and to be grateful for the small things.
My list collected the last few days:
-A large cloud with an small peephole in the centre. Did a plane purposely fly through it?
-A sunset reflected in the dark glass panels of the Wests Ashfield club.
-A trunk of a sapling covered almost entirely with yellow lady-beetles. Why did they choose this particular tree?
-How light falls through stained glass on the carved railing of the stairs next to the entrance of the canteen.
-The silence of coming through the school early in the morning , when no-one is about.(haha I shouldn't be going through the gates near the Croydon >>)
End of the philosophy lesson. Now onto the whinging like most teenage girls would do in thier blog. I have finished the two english writing tasks. Well I didn't say I finished them well. My teacher can be so temperamental! If her mood swings could be compared to a actual swing, my gosh it would be flying off it's chains. Nevermind, looking forward to the long weekend.
I'm hoping to go to Broadway with my friends. I admit I don't go out very often, and it's not because of my mum. She's pretty easy with it, as long as I have a transport buddy. >> You'd better be coming with me Veronica, or I'll be after you. Alternatively, I could organise with Carrie to have her dad drive her to, and pick her up from his office in Ashfield, and catch public transport to Broadway tomorrow. But I haven't asked her yet.
Second thing. I must be on the edge of being a gaming addict. Blame it on the genes. It's a well known fact Asians are gamers. Especially when it involves grades and levels. Especially when it's DDR or some online multiplayer game.
Note to self: Need a prettier blog/ post layout.
My gosh third edit: Gotta post the awesome pieces of photography I've been collecting on deviantart, and I better get into some art-making of my own too. I know you guys are curious to see because I rarely have the self-esteem to show them off...
And hi to my mystery follower, Tali. ^^
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