Illness is not exactly the best thing to get the brain motors going. I've lost the stuffy nose but my voice is almost gone. If it goes completely, I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've ever lost my voice. D;
Another art dump. Commission for gaia. Her outfit was hardly creativity material (although expensive) but I made the best out of it.
On a lighter note, it's the last day of term today, but also the last day for Kath at this school. We celebrated by throwing a party at lunch. Unfortunately, I forgot my two packets of TimTams. And I scoffed so many chips that my throat was slowly dying afterwards. We also had a lovely surprise visit from mancandy as well. Very good sneaky photography Carrie. Master Jo has taught you well.
Aside from that, we had a very *successful* eye dissection in science. Me and Dora destroyed most of the eye on the second step- and made eye soup when we were done finding the lens: or what was left of it. To Veronica's dismay, the black stuff squirted in her direction. I can't imagine how Jo would react here. -heh heh-
Last period- we watched Amelie. I love it! It was extremely photographic. New favourite movie! : D
Second bit of good news: If my calculations are correct, my internet speed will return tomorrow- precisely a week after bill payment.