...because I'm sitting in the dark
-because I'm (mum is) avoiding someone
-and that someone is the neighbour who is in the middle of moving houses
-and is not exactly the honest type (if you're Asian, you'll know what I mean by parasites >>)
-so we're hiding in the dark till they get all the furniture out.
yeah good one mum. o_o
-it's almost nine at night and they're still here. If they want house-warming gifts, you're not getting any. That's a job for your new neighbours. >>
Went to coaching/tutoring today. The teacher (normally spontaneous and happy in a mad-maths-teacher-kinda-way) seemed depressed today. So much so that he let us out on time! I'm in a class a year above my actual grade (to keep up with the acceleration system), and he has a habit of comparing the year ten class ('normal' in a chatty way, a failure to teacher's and parent's eyes) to his year nine class (obviously obedient in a brain-washed way). Poor guy, I know he puts a lot of effort in his teaching, but no-one seems to be listening to him towards the end of the lesson- or does any homework. Our test marks are umm... not so great despite him repeating himself over and over so that we understood (hey! I have an excuse >>) Perhaps I should make an extra effort to look like I'm listening? (not doodling my character concept sketches all over my notes) I don't know. I hate to look like the teacher's pet. What do you reckon?
On the way home, I missed my train, and my butt froze onto the bench because of the cold. What happened to good old fashioned wooden benches? Anyway, I saw a large cross on the ground of the station in neon orange spray. I joked that it might be a sign of buried treasure. We got on the train quite near to where the cross was. When I got off the train, there was a similar cross on the ground again! My younger sister muttered; it's been there for ages. I thought it was a sign for construction workers?
You probably don't see the significance of this, but I wonder how many little things, that concern us more than large neon crosses painted on the ground, that we miss or realise too late? Some domestic animals have the ability to tell of one is about to have a heart attack or develop cancer or even when they're about to die. Most people dismiss the miracle of this because they believe most animals have sharper senses than humans. So what? We have the sense of thinking. It's not merely limited to medical symptoms. Other emotional, social and physical signs and details may be arranged to make sense by the mind.
We live our lives with greater speed than ever, only lending eye to generalisation. We must stop occasionally to analyse our environment and realign ourselves, before realising a bad situation too late.
Edit: for those that use firefox, you will know that there is a spellcheck. Damned American spelling! No I don't want a z, leave my s alone! Did I also mention the ou's? ;__;
Edit Two: Eww I'm sick of doing tekteks for others! I spend an hour layering and making it perfect. Then get rejected because she didn't like the eyes. Seriously? So bad eyes overthrows a whole entire good outfit. And I see other people who have worked their ass off to be rejected for a desperately bad clutter-monkey. Just like art these days! They'd rather see something pretty and typical than something skillful. Yes, I'm talking about anime/manga style. And they let themselves be bled dry of money/effort to get it. This applies to my imvu developing. I don't want to see any more scene kids wearing lingerie. Please.You probably don't know what I'm yapping on about, but it's good to vent it out.