Teenager boys and their illegal firecrackers /sigh
Things on my mind:
*I have nothing to do, but I'm still avoiding that commission. A month overdue! Argh.
*Back to imvu for a bit of developing, but I find the clothes ever more bland and distasteful.
*Was all sulky after the expected "not good enough" lecture from mum. Then I managed too sneak a peak at my report and found that it wasn't actually THAT bad. Perhaps a brush-up on french and english though. Yet I'm sitting at home doing maths instead. Ahhh Asian parents. =_=
*Then back to art. The digital kind, which is no good for me. I should be doing sketch studies, but I'm too lazy. Eww no wonder my previous art teachers thought my skill level was so dodgy. I have to start from 3D shapes again with this one, when will I be up to doing portraits? *sigh*
*Speaking about art, I've been doing a small project. I have 4 characters that I'm designing (2 girls and 2 guys). Ironically, I do think I'll ever use them for writing or sharing them around. That's a lot of work. And I've seen A LOT of bad characters in my lifetime, so I'm picky even with myself. Actually I've noticed that their hair and outfits are unintentionally inverted in colour. o_o (yeah there they are in their alternate outfits, dunno what to call them Eva and Val...obsessive with letter V much?)

*Tomorrow, perhaps a family outing to watch Narnia. My dad was completely hooked when it first came out a few years ago. I can tell where I got the fantasy-bug from.
*I want to write. I just don't know what and whether it will come out as trash.
*Moar fashion editorials and photo-hoarding. For inspiration of course. There was this nice one with a male model...wearing lace gloves?
Well, it seems like I'm doing a little more than nothing here.haha
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