Quick highlights:
Sister: Have you seen those bumper stickers on the white Camry things? They all have nobirds.com.au written on them. I wonder what the website is about.
Me: (moody) I'm not bothered to be that observant
Stranger: (turns around from reading his book) How many leaves on that tree then? (laughs) Sorry, I couldn't resist.
Funny, but a good philosophical question. I'll let you answer it.
I'm too lazy to explain, so I'll let pictures do the talking. Playing with popular trends- nude, floral etc. on Polyvore. Sorry, the layering is a little messy.
Second bit of eyecandy. Stunning Wing-embroidered platform sandal by Alexander McQueen.
As for art. I haven't done too much this week. I have a commission that has been dragging on for a week already. I feel bad. But too lazy. =_=
I also bumped into Martina at JayJays today.
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