and occasional fresh air, haha
And I haven't been in the mood to read stuff either
apart from commissions and half complete personal works, I don't have much to see
Re-designs for my characters-in-progress. I've been redesigning them so much, I haven't even worked on a proper profile yet (let alone written material, if any at all). I'm nervous about creating a bad or uninteresting I just keep drawing them to put it off. =P
But I do have their weapons and armor figured in detail for 3 out of 4 of well as an unwritten outline for abilities and personality, but I'll lay off it until I'm certain they're okay.
While I was doing so, I was also practicing a speedier paint style inspired by this guy. I've got the accuracy okay-ish (I'm finally comfortable without doing a line sketch beforehand), but I still need to be faster than a hour...and better 'movement' in the strokes.

(why do I draw people with legs apart so much OTL)