Thursday, November 25, 2010

A fetish for harnesses? Perhaps I do.
This one is designed by Zana Bayne.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sick );

Caught some kind of an instant sore throat last night. Not fun.

Hello little birdy!

Dear, Mr and Mrs "Welcome Swallow"
You left a pile of poop in our school locker area;
but you get away with it cause you're so cute. ;)

A Welcome Swallow, Hirundo neoxena

Friday, November 19, 2010

----> Okay, this might sound severe, but I'm only talking about a small minority here ;)

I guess I've had a slight interest in magazine editorials recently, and on finding the website "fashion gone rogue", it has broadened my understanding quite a bit. A lot of hits and misses for sure, but it's sure amazing to find that one editorial that is really impressing.

They also had a comments box at the bottom where members could post their opinions. Only ever accustomed to the nice or appropriately critical responses of the blogs I had been following before, it came quite much as a shock. The shallowness and the bluntness of some of the comments were quite staggering. "Oh, shame that weird face", "I liked it until I saw her hands-looks like a construction worker", "the photographer is so overrated"...etc

But in saying so, whenever a popular face pops up, comments were almost entirely unanimously positive.

I'm not so shocked with negative comments about the clothes, because if anything, that's what it's supposed to be about. (And it's usually true-)

I reckon it's the narrow-mindedness (positive or negative) of the comments directed at the models and occassionally the photographer, that I hate. How could they let that overshadow how good/bad the actual design is? Often too, others let their opinions be bent easily and follow the one that shouts loudest.

A pretty damn hard industry. I feel sorry for the models sometimes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Let's play a game

A dress-up game! What girl wouldn't enjoy that! Here's an incredibly cute and well designed online dress-up called Rinmaru. Of course, it comes with an Asian flair for free. Enjoy it here

Monday, November 15, 2010



I'm cheating with this guy too
What! I only had 10 mins! Will complete later.
The guy is my gaiaonline avatar, who is a bit of a gender-bender, because he/she is actually on a girl's base. I'm too lazy to keep changing the gender of it ._. So I dress it as either gender on a female base,haha.
Yes, I will draw the female err...metamorphosis of him later.


It's Hetalia!

Actually, I lied. But least it's in the style of the fanart.
My boyfriend sat as the model.

Beauty does not ever sit quietly

Beauty does not ever sit quietly
nor for very long
dreamlike and ever-changing
eternal and persisiting

Tim Burton Photography ( I think that's the name.)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The answer to the universe

well, almost ;D


Found on deviantart.

Baby, the stars shine bright

All the fluffles in the world were born here:
A 'Lolita' fashion website. Can't see many who could wear this stuff, but it's pretty amazing to look at.

Saturday, November 13, 2010



Epic art bug. (aka. opposite of art block)
Feels awesome <3

Sunday, November 7, 2010

For every-one:

What I waste time on

If Jane is not addicted to fanfiction or facebook, where does she go?
Figure it out =P

oh yeah

*Then cover the 200 spaces you have in a facebook album with your face and the faces of your friends.

Yes I'm mean. Perhaps the eyelift and skin bleaching was better after all.

On a better note:

Friday, November 5, 2010


Too awesome. There's drool on my keyboard. Something of both modern sleek and glamorous neo-victorian. Man, I can't believe someone came up with that idea first. Did I mention, there's a lot of leather, lace 'n' corsets? Yes please =)
Selected images from Skingraft's collections.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Photo time

First post ever regarding photos. I'm a bit camera shy :/
Some are edited versions of others. (Yes, I did airbush you pretty

What I do instead of homework

side note: internet back!