I don't know. I had a few things to say but I'm too tired now. Tired also from the little voice that keeps saying "geooooographyyy nooootesss"
Edit: I love how Jeremy hates a certain car only because he hates the type of people that tend to drive it.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Insanity is contagious
Did anyone watch 60 minutes?
If not, you should, especially Annie.
I don't actually have the exact info here- it's amazing how unspecific and brief news articles are these days.
Two identical twins run across a British motorway is a seemingly simultaneous streak of insanity, doing more damage to vehicles than themselves. Two days earlier, they were having a normal family reunion in Ireland (was it?). They both have no family history of mental illness.
One sister was run over by a truck and severely injured. Amazingly, she recovered to full health in 3 months. The other, was hit unconscious only to be awake within a few minutes and running across the opposite lanes. It took people on each limb to carry her back to safety, all the while kicking and screaming, at moments stronger than all five people.
They both returned to normal within a day. The less injured of the two was found guilty and released- apparently even charming and sociable with police officers. She met a passerby who offered her a home while she waited for her sister's recovery. The friend of the kind passerby was suspicious as he got to know her, and within a few weeks found the body of his friend hammered the death.
She goes out again, self-harming with her hammer and attempting to kill herself by running into traffic. (hey, why do that if it didn't kill you the first time?) She suffered two broken legs and a fractured skull, only to be fully healed again, within three months.
How creepy!
Apparently experts have no idea what this 'mental illness' that was affecting the twins was.
It could be an extremely rare case of mental illness that is contagious to people very close to the affected, but that seems to be a long-term ilness unlike the twins' case. Or, separate but eerily simultaneous case of very brief uncontrollable insanity. Does it reveal more about how interconnected our minds actually are? Or maybe the more daring might even suggest that they're possessed?How the hell did they recover in such a short space of time, let alone get up and fight off five people after being unconscious.
What do you think?
If not, you should, especially Annie.
I don't actually have the exact info here- it's amazing how unspecific and brief news articles are these days.
Two identical twins run across a British motorway is a seemingly simultaneous streak of insanity, doing more damage to vehicles than themselves. Two days earlier, they were having a normal family reunion in Ireland (was it?). They both have no family history of mental illness.
One sister was run over by a truck and severely injured. Amazingly, she recovered to full health in 3 months. The other, was hit unconscious only to be awake within a few minutes and running across the opposite lanes. It took people on each limb to carry her back to safety, all the while kicking and screaming, at moments stronger than all five people.
They both returned to normal within a day. The less injured of the two was found guilty and released- apparently even charming and sociable with police officers. She met a passerby who offered her a home while she waited for her sister's recovery. The friend of the kind passerby was suspicious as he got to know her, and within a few weeks found the body of his friend hammered the death.
She goes out again, self-harming with her hammer and attempting to kill herself by running into traffic. (hey, why do that if it didn't kill you the first time?) She suffered two broken legs and a fractured skull, only to be fully healed again, within three months.
How creepy!
Apparently experts have no idea what this 'mental illness' that was affecting the twins was.
It could be an extremely rare case of mental illness that is contagious to people very close to the affected, but that seems to be a long-term ilness unlike the twins' case. Or, separate but eerily simultaneous case of very brief uncontrollable insanity. Does it reveal more about how interconnected our minds actually are? Or maybe the more daring might even suggest that they're possessed?How the hell did they recover in such a short space of time, let alone get up and fight off five people after being unconscious.
What do you think?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Seemingly immune to hypnotic effects of facebook...for now
Today, I did quite a bit of travelling...after art classes
First to Newtown then to Broadway then to Glebe markets (finally found out where it is) then back to Broadway. :x Who knew you could get such pretty things for under$20? The only problem was you guys weren't there! D:< I demand that we organise a date. ^^
First to Newtown then to Broadway then to Glebe markets (finally found out where it is) then back to Broadway. :x Who knew you could get such pretty things for under$20? The only problem was you guys weren't there! D:< I demand that we organise a date. ^^
Friday, August 27, 2010
My hands...are twitching uncontrollably
I'm scared Dx
When I try to put my hands still in the air, they twitch! Sleep deprivation? Drucken chicken with too much alcohol in it? (dodgy, dodgy they shouldn't serve that) Or something more sinister?
About sleep deprivation, it's 8:30 and I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard. Not good.
Veronica, is your ankle alright. I'm warning you again, you shouldn't have walked on it all day without a brace. No matter how mean the nurse is.
I haven't done much art these past days, so I wanted to challenge myself. This is my gaia avatar...in the form of a child. Hooray =P
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Perhaps (continued)
Kath suggested a video in my cbox. I haven't actually watched it yet, but I saw this comment:
"As a study in Physics, and Quantum Physics, I do believe that life after death is possible because according to Einstein's famous formula, "E=mc2", energy and mass are the same thing. Also, energy can't be created nor destroyed. Energy changes forms, and energy remains constant. So, when we die, our energy will not be destroyed. Of course, Energy will be transfered to natural resources, but the energy on us will remain constant because energy is conserved. Therefore, we will go somewhere."
Ok, disregard the fact that this person is trying to relate such a material concept to the vague concept of spirit.
But it poses a very interesting question. Is there life after death?
It is a concept believed and questioned by many, many religions. What strikes me most is that the fact the question is common to all ancient and modern trains of thought.
It is a basic human cognition after the idea of 'existing' that separates us from animals. And it is another basic human desire to be more important than we actually are. It's so despairing to think we just get snuffed out when we die.These are the facts I know for certain. And again, because of the basic hopes we all share, I would love to think that there is something after death.
Since there is so much uncertainty about what actually happens after death, it's acceptable to develop my own ideas. I think it was the Northern Light series that first prompted me to think that perhaps the human soul, like matter itself, is indestructible (actually according to the world the author created, it does disappear, but I made up my own spin-off in development for another fictional 'world' I was creating) . Indestructible in the fact that it simply does just randomly appear and disappear, there is an eventual basic unit. However, like organic matter, it may break down and be reformed. Certain constructions may be stronger-and remain together for longer periods of time, thus forming repeated destinies or histories.
It's funny, because the way I first thought about it was purely for writing purposes. But now I almost believe it in some senses! Now, I only need to flesh out a few details, get lots of money and willing participants for a cult before I've created a new religion. Muhahaha.
"As a study in Physics, and Quantum Physics, I do believe that life after death is possible because according to Einstein's famous formula, "E=mc2", energy and mass are the same thing. Also, energy can't be created nor destroyed. Energy changes forms, and energy remains constant. So, when we die, our energy will not be destroyed. Of course, Energy will be transfered to natural resources, but the energy on us will remain constant because energy is conserved. Therefore, we will go somewhere."
Ok, disregard the fact that this person is trying to relate such a material concept to the vague concept of spirit.
But it poses a very interesting question. Is there life after death?
It is a concept believed and questioned by many, many religions. What strikes me most is that the fact the question is common to all ancient and modern trains of thought.
It is a basic human cognition after the idea of 'existing' that separates us from animals. And it is another basic human desire to be more important than we actually are. It's so despairing to think we just get snuffed out when we die.These are the facts I know for certain. And again, because of the basic hopes we all share, I would love to think that there is something after death.
Since there is so much uncertainty about what actually happens after death, it's acceptable to develop my own ideas. I think it was the Northern Light series that first prompted me to think that perhaps the human soul, like matter itself, is indestructible (actually according to the world the author created, it does disappear, but I made up my own spin-off in development for another fictional 'world' I was creating) . Indestructible in the fact that it simply does just randomly appear and disappear, there is an eventual basic unit. However, like organic matter, it may break down and be reformed. Certain constructions may be stronger-and remain together for longer periods of time, thus forming repeated destinies or histories.
It's funny, because the way I first thought about it was purely for writing purposes. But now I almost believe it in some senses! Now, I only need to flesh out a few details, get lots of money and willing participants for a cult before I've created a new religion. Muhahaha.
Complaint #no. 2
In succession to "Get a room"
Is please shut up.
I sound like the old lady that hates having children and animals on her lawn, but I have to confess, despite how much it pains me that I'm criticizing my own generation, that there is SUCH is lack of self-respect and consideration.
Okay, so it's nightfall and you're on a quiet bus, and suddenly an uncontrollably excitable pair of girls climb about gas-bagging about their love-lives. Even if it doesn't slightly concern them that everyone can hear, at least, have some interest in preventing unnecessary squeaks and squeals that may disturb the public.
Second, more minor annoyance. Girls that wear clothes at least 4 sizes too small. Tight, is fine, in fact, I adore my pair of skinny jeans. But to the point where even your belly is exposed? Or your shorts no longer are providing you decent coverage? Who or what exactly are you asking for? It's fine to argue that you have your own free will, but such lack of self respect will only cause you to be looked poorly down. No matter how 'rebel' or popular sexy is.
Thirdly. I hate the spam I'm getting in my cbox.
Is please shut up.
I sound like the old lady that hates having children and animals on her lawn, but I have to confess, despite how much it pains me that I'm criticizing my own generation, that there is SUCH is lack of self-respect and consideration.
Okay, so it's nightfall and you're on a quiet bus, and suddenly an uncontrollably excitable pair of girls climb about gas-bagging about their love-lives. Even if it doesn't slightly concern them that everyone can hear, at least, have some interest in preventing unnecessary squeaks and squeals that may disturb the public.
Second, more minor annoyance. Girls that wear clothes at least 4 sizes too small. Tight, is fine, in fact, I adore my pair of skinny jeans. But to the point where even your belly is exposed? Or your shorts no longer are providing you decent coverage? Who or what exactly are you asking for? It's fine to argue that you have your own free will, but such lack of self respect will only cause you to be looked poorly down. No matter how 'rebel' or popular sexy is.
Thirdly. I hate the spam I'm getting in my cbox.
Paper Scissors
Yeah, the shop. Has a whiff of made-in-China and Bardot copycat, but hey, who cares if it's pretty and cheap? For those neo-vintage loving, highly skilled colour-pattern matchers out there on a tight budget, it's a place worth going to, and I've done the rounds if comparing other big-name shops out there. Jo might have known because I bumped into her at Market City today =)
The dress my sister bought today:
The dress my sister bought today:
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Long discussion with Annie today. And for some reason the word atheist slipped out when I was meant to say how Christian her ideas were. Haha. :x
With most ideas, I am very open. Learning and getting closer to the truth can only be achieved if all paths are open.
She was particularly annoyed with the idea that people can be SO accepting with the fact that ghosts exist and certain people can communicate with the dead. Although it sounds bad when put shortly, she believes that some form of malicious deception is involved with both the ideas of ghosts and aliens. Maybe demons are causing this deception, as the Bible calls it, but whatever the name, an 'evil' entity of some sort is involved.
Which leads me on. Originally, I was neither accepting or skeptical of the idea of the supernatural world. Perhaps there are ghosts, perhaps there are not.
There's a few things that I have a bit of faith in though. The idea of having a soul and a place for it after physical death, only because it is such a consistent idea throughout most well established religions. But that's pretty much it, I'm not much of an expert in these fields.
However, a belief that I have established myself, is that a lot of this so-called supernatural phenomenons have a lot to do with just ourselves, specifically, our minds. Now I'm not telling you all that you're crazy. We seek too much to find answers externally when we haven't even explored the realms of our own world.
Take my last post for example. It was badly written, because I was too busy being creeped out that something bad was going to happen. The irony is that I've contradicted myself, but hey, who can escape popular culture's thoughts.
It could have been interpreted to ways.
A) It was a premonition. Something (ghost, spirit, enitity whatever) was warning me about a bad event. As cool as that sounds, having such abilities is unlikely.
B) Using very unromantic 'reason', the dream experience was simply a coincidence. But in experiencing that coincidence, I have developed further understanding of myself. Whatever the concern I was holding onto, a concern I can't quite remember consciously, it is gone.
Perception is vital. What a person CHOOSES to notice reveals much about a person's personality and troubles. A great many things can happen at the same time, generally classified as positive, negative or neutral. Neutral things in itself, can be mistaken or taken either way. For example, a train collision kills eleven people in Sydney, coincidentally, on the anniversary on the Bali bombings.The train driver escapes unhurt. One might say that it was unfortunate that eleven people died and another might say that it was fortunate that the other hundred where alive. Another might say that the driver is a terrorist and another might proclaim the driver a hero for fast thinking and preventing many more possible deaths. See?
Secondly, and most important of all, is the integrity of the story. How many of you actually are aware enough that coincidences, or if you prefer, supernatural activity of a significant scale actually happens to you everyday? They're usually stories. No, I'm not saying they're lies. Even the greatest lies reveals more truth about the people that tell, believe or spread it. No. Often our memory has fault. Memory is not static, it alters itself constantly, so much that people are even deceived by themselves. Just like memory, word of mouth is not reliable either, because the story often changes fro person to person.
Although the concept I'm presenting is hard to grasp, and the fact it doesn't explain all so-called supernatural occurrences, I do believe that it more to do with someone personally. We're busy chasing the truth from outside when we fail to that the truth could actually be from within.
It is the most skeptical presentation of the unexplainable, but it does not trivalise the matter. Recognizing that it may have something to do with yourself, can be valuable in developing understanding of spiritual, emotional or even mental health.
With most ideas, I am very open. Learning and getting closer to the truth can only be achieved if all paths are open.
She was particularly annoyed with the idea that people can be SO accepting with the fact that ghosts exist and certain people can communicate with the dead. Although it sounds bad when put shortly, she believes that some form of malicious deception is involved with both the ideas of ghosts and aliens. Maybe demons are causing this deception, as the Bible calls it, but whatever the name, an 'evil' entity of some sort is involved.
Which leads me on. Originally, I was neither accepting or skeptical of the idea of the supernatural world. Perhaps there are ghosts, perhaps there are not.
There's a few things that I have a bit of faith in though. The idea of having a soul and a place for it after physical death, only because it is such a consistent idea throughout most well established religions. But that's pretty much it, I'm not much of an expert in these fields.
However, a belief that I have established myself, is that a lot of this so-called supernatural phenomenons have a lot to do with just ourselves, specifically, our minds. Now I'm not telling you all that you're crazy. We seek too much to find answers externally when we haven't even explored the realms of our own world.
Take my last post for example. It was badly written, because I was too busy being creeped out that something bad was going to happen. The irony is that I've contradicted myself, but hey, who can escape popular culture's thoughts.
It could have been interpreted to ways.
A) It was a premonition. Something (ghost, spirit, enitity whatever) was warning me about a bad event. As cool as that sounds, having such abilities is unlikely.
B) Using very unromantic 'reason', the dream experience was simply a coincidence. But in experiencing that coincidence, I have developed further understanding of myself. Whatever the concern I was holding onto, a concern I can't quite remember consciously, it is gone.
Perception is vital. What a person CHOOSES to notice reveals much about a person's personality and troubles. A great many things can happen at the same time, generally classified as positive, negative or neutral. Neutral things in itself, can be mistaken or taken either way. For example, a train collision kills eleven people in Sydney, coincidentally, on the anniversary on the Bali bombings.The train driver escapes unhurt. One might say that it was unfortunate that eleven people died and another might say that it was fortunate that the other hundred where alive. Another might say that the driver is a terrorist and another might proclaim the driver a hero for fast thinking and preventing many more possible deaths. See?
Secondly, and most important of all, is the integrity of the story. How many of you actually are aware enough that coincidences, or if you prefer, supernatural activity of a significant scale actually happens to you everyday? They're usually stories. No, I'm not saying they're lies. Even the greatest lies reveals more truth about the people that tell, believe or spread it. No. Often our memory has fault. Memory is not static, it alters itself constantly, so much that people are even deceived by themselves. Just like memory, word of mouth is not reliable either, because the story often changes fro person to person.
Although the concept I'm presenting is hard to grasp, and the fact it doesn't explain all so-called supernatural occurrences, I do believe that it more to do with someone personally. We're busy chasing the truth from outside when we fail to that the truth could actually be from within.
It is the most skeptical presentation of the unexplainable, but it does not trivalise the matter. Recognizing that it may have something to do with yourself, can be valuable in developing understanding of spiritual, emotional or even mental health.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
creepy dream experience
Just a coincidence between a certain dream and a series of events that happened today.
I remember this dream in detail because it was an unusual one. It was a nightmare within a nightmare, and although I was aware I was dreaming, I wasn't able to control it like a normal lucid dream. (Controlling dreams depends on level of consciousness, swallow sleepers are more conscious while dreaming.)
The dream began with my dream self having a nightmare. I was sitting on an iron roof in Shanghai, outside my hotel room. I was with my sister and another boy from the next hotel room. It was night, his room was lit, my one was not. I wanted to take a closer look at him as his climbed into the window, but I slipped and fell. I held onto the blanket my sister had covering her knees. She tried to help but fell with me. No-one from my unlit hotel room came to help us.
-awake into main dream-
I wake and it’s early dawn. I think about what that nightmare meant (like I usually do) and head out to go to the toilet. It’s 12 o’clock, but I don’t know whether it is noon or midnight. To my surprise, my was up cooking, but dad’s not home. My sister is awake and using my computer. I didn’t mind for some reason, I’m usually not happy when she does that. I talk to my mum (still cooking) about my strange dream. She suggested a few possible meanings. I go to my dream dictionary on my desk (I don’t actually have one in reality) and I find nothing of significance. The phone rings and its Dad calling. I pick up and I can only hear my voice on the other end warning about something. I hang up quickly, scared. Mum gathers us up to the large panel glass windows in the living room. The curtains are drawn (it’s rarely drawn), and the bright dawn has already turned into dark clouds and ferocious wind. Mum says “it’s time” and the glass breaks and flies into us because of the wind. And then red text appears as if I’m playing a game, saying Game Over.
-awake into reality-
LOLWTF right?
What happened today:
-The sunny day turned cloudy within a space of one period. That’s fast considering there was not much wind.
-Mum called me a few times (and apparently I did pick up, stupid touch phone) and said I didn’t answer. She only heard my voice talking to presumably, Veronica. She thought it was weird and went out to get me. We met and she called me again and I put both phones to each ear. I could only hear my voice obviously, but the delayed relay of voice on one end made it sound creepy.
-When I come home, my sister is on my computer. Again, I didn’t mind for some reason. (She rarely takes my computer without asking and I’m rarely not annoyed by that)
-I took a shower straight away. ( I usually leave it to after dinner/ 5pm because I’m lazy)
It’s either creepy or I’m reading too much into it. (like I usually do) Despite the similarity to the nightmare, there is nothing to worry about (if it’s some weird premonition) because dreams cannot be translated literally. In fact, if there is anything that the dream is telling me, if at all; is a possible fact that something good or bad is coming to an end. Now to further fulfil the ‘game over’ element, I’m going off to play Flyff. Haha :P
I remember this dream in detail because it was an unusual one. It was a nightmare within a nightmare, and although I was aware I was dreaming, I wasn't able to control it like a normal lucid dream. (Controlling dreams depends on level of consciousness, swallow sleepers are more conscious while dreaming.)
The dream began with my dream self having a nightmare. I was sitting on an iron roof in Shanghai, outside my hotel room. I was with my sister and another boy from the next hotel room. It was night, his room was lit, my one was not. I wanted to take a closer look at him as his climbed into the window, but I slipped and fell. I held onto the blanket my sister had covering her knees. She tried to help but fell with me. No-one from my unlit hotel room came to help us.
-awake into main dream-
I wake and it’s early dawn. I think about what that nightmare meant (like I usually do) and head out to go to the toilet. It’s 12 o’clock, but I don’t know whether it is noon or midnight. To my surprise, my was up cooking, but dad’s not home. My sister is awake and using my computer. I didn’t mind for some reason, I’m usually not happy when she does that. I talk to my mum (still cooking) about my strange dream. She suggested a few possible meanings. I go to my dream dictionary on my desk (I don’t actually have one in reality) and I find nothing of significance. The phone rings and its Dad calling. I pick up and I can only hear my voice on the other end warning about something. I hang up quickly, scared. Mum gathers us up to the large panel glass windows in the living room. The curtains are drawn (it’s rarely drawn), and the bright dawn has already turned into dark clouds and ferocious wind. Mum says “it’s time” and the glass breaks and flies into us because of the wind. And then red text appears as if I’m playing a game, saying Game Over.
-awake into reality-
LOLWTF right?
What happened today:
-The sunny day turned cloudy within a space of one period. That’s fast considering there was not much wind.
-Mum called me a few times (and apparently I did pick up, stupid touch phone) and said I didn’t answer. She only heard my voice talking to presumably, Veronica. She thought it was weird and went out to get me. We met and she called me again and I put both phones to each ear. I could only hear my voice obviously, but the delayed relay of voice on one end made it sound creepy.
-When I come home, my sister is on my computer. Again, I didn’t mind for some reason. (She rarely takes my computer without asking and I’m rarely not annoyed by that)
-I took a shower straight away. ( I usually leave it to after dinner/ 5pm because I’m lazy)
It’s either creepy or I’m reading too much into it. (like I usually do) Despite the similarity to the nightmare, there is nothing to worry about (if it’s some weird premonition) because dreams cannot be translated literally. In fact, if there is anything that the dream is telling me, if at all; is a possible fact that something good or bad is coming to an end. Now to further fulfil the ‘game over’ element, I’m going off to play Flyff. Haha :P
New Playlist
Umm yeah, what the title says
Thank you to my sister for having patience, while I hogged her computer. (because my laptop has no sound)
Thank you to my sister for having patience, while I hogged her computer. (because my laptop has no sound)
Does it count if...
My sister is watching Peter Chao.
I wonder if it's racism if you insult your own ethnicity.
Or at the most, a bad joke.
I wonder if it's racism if you insult your own ethnicity.
Or at the most, a bad joke.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Really sick ))):
Vomiting, ew.
Luckily I haven't eaten anything all day, so the only thing I'm throwing up is water.
The irony is that I need to drink more to prevent dehydration.
It's not really problem until the nausea builds up again. Dx
Luckily I haven't eaten anything all day, so the only thing I'm throwing up is water.
The irony is that I need to drink more to prevent dehydration.
It's not really problem until the nausea builds up again. Dx
Even though I enjoy it a lot, I never read or write enough...Fanfiction would be a good outlet for, if I had actually read any of the books. As for RP, it still seems a little risky, in terms of quality of story, control and brushing with others. It far better to RP with those you know well, but I can't be bothered to seek them out.
And writing an original story is way too much effort.
The best option is to create a series of original characters for short stop-start pieces of writing-original characters go far beyond the realms of just roleplay, fanfiction or gaming. Keep them long enough, and you'll find that they grow and mature just as you do.
I guess, I've always liked the idea of characterisation. Constructing a balanced but interesting personality, and being able to flesh it out on the page can be a rather tough thing to do.
Going back to grade five, I realise how terrible my original characters were, and since then, I haven't really had any 'official' characters. It's vital not to be self indulgent, and never attach yourself too closely to any one of them. I'll tell you about one of them: Seraphina (was it?): Winged elf with silver eyes and hair. Haha. No way. I'm steering way clear of fantasy for now.
I guess it's boredom (and gaia's influence, I can't resist drawing someone's good OC), that has prompted me to actually condense some ideas that have been floating around for a while. I seriously have no idea whether these loose characterisations are any good or not, so to my fellow writer friends, please help me poke fun at them until I get them right. They don't have a purpose (or names for that matter), but they would be a great practice exercise.
Setting: Real life world; however they might be adapted to a similar parallel world, so this is why they have fighting abilities.
It is often necessary to exaggerate personality traits/history, so please stop me if I go too far.
Female 'one'
Loosely based on the tone I adapt for those pesky empathy tasks >_> more addes here though
Name: n/a suggestion?
Race: Eursian, but nothing pretty, more Asian in appearance. Many comment that she looks Malaysian because of her tan skin.
Age: Early twenties
Height: short, 160 cm
Build: Thin, neither sickly or fit. Particularly long arms.
Face: Large eyes, random spots (isolated freckles? Mini-moles?) cheek wrinkles (she hates them). Eyebrows that seem to make her look perpetually worried or angry.
Eyes: Brown, likes to wear grey contacts.
Hair: Black is her natural colour, however she styles it to be ash-platnium with black tips. Highly stylised. Perhaps the only part of her appearance that she fusses with.
Attire: Unlike her hair, her choice of clothing tends to be loose-fitting and drab. A reflection on her personality. Still up to speed with trends though, drapey and modern. Wears a lot of her self-created ornaments; rings, necklaces and decorative chain harnesses.
The Good:
-Resourceful, independent, learns quickly.
-A dreamer, philosophical, thoughtful
-Takes orders
-Thorough and perfectionist
-Balances arguments, cautious in decision making.
The Quirks:
-Hobby in ornamental metal-working. Jewellery particularly. She has a small amateur online business
-Interest in weapon collecting- in relationship with her metalwork. Particularly fascinated with decorative or ceremonial swords, daggers etc.
The Bad:
-Weak willed (but not cowardly, just submits easily)
-Self conscious, judgemental-relies a lot on first appearances
-Follows the crowd, sometimes the wrong one
-Always feels a need to please others to be taken seriously.
-Struggles to feel comfortable around most people.
The Ugly
-Fears abandonment
-Hates being a burden on someone.
-Hates noisy, outspoken people
Combat Abilities (if needed)
Weapon: Light, quick blade: rapier/ katana? And additional throwing knives. Rope and other vital equipment for escape.
Technique: Speed, evasion, or avoidance of a fight completely, if possible. Whatever takes minimal injury to herself.
Non-physical abilities: Urm, thinking of one later
Lower middle class. Has two half-brothers. Her biological mother and step-father both passed away early due to illness (murder seems too cheeseball). The three of them went to live with the boys' biological mother. She was treated well, but often felt uncomfortable/ not belonging. Moved out as soon as she was of age. Travels, a bit of a roamer, on a minor quest to find her biological father. Currently works as a waitress, and on her online shop.
blahblahblah, two more to come and will rework them.
Doing more research on character archetypes to help me out and avoid cliches.
And writing an original story is way too much effort.
The best option is to create a series of original characters for short stop-start pieces of writing-original characters go far beyond the realms of just roleplay, fanfiction or gaming. Keep them long enough, and you'll find that they grow and mature just as you do.
I guess, I've always liked the idea of characterisation. Constructing a balanced but interesting personality, and being able to flesh it out on the page can be a rather tough thing to do.
Going back to grade five, I realise how terrible my original characters were, and since then, I haven't really had any 'official' characters. It's vital not to be self indulgent, and never attach yourself too closely to any one of them. I'll tell you about one of them: Seraphina (was it?): Winged elf with silver eyes and hair. Haha. No way. I'm steering way clear of fantasy for now.
I guess it's boredom (and gaia's influence, I can't resist drawing someone's good OC), that has prompted me to actually condense some ideas that have been floating around for a while. I seriously have no idea whether these loose characterisations are any good or not, so to my fellow writer friends, please help me poke fun at them until I get them right. They don't have a purpose (or names for that matter), but they would be a great practice exercise.
Setting: Real life world; however they might be adapted to a similar parallel world, so this is why they have fighting abilities.
It is often necessary to exaggerate personality traits/history, so please stop me if I go too far.
Female 'one'
Loosely based on the tone I adapt for those pesky empathy tasks >_> more addes here though
Name: n/a suggestion?
Race: Eursian, but nothing pretty, more Asian in appearance. Many comment that she looks Malaysian because of her tan skin.
Age: Early twenties
Height: short, 160 cm
Build: Thin, neither sickly or fit. Particularly long arms.
Face: Large eyes, random spots (isolated freckles? Mini-moles?) cheek wrinkles (she hates them). Eyebrows that seem to make her look perpetually worried or angry.
Eyes: Brown, likes to wear grey contacts.
Hair: Black is her natural colour, however she styles it to be ash-platnium with black tips. Highly stylised. Perhaps the only part of her appearance that she fusses with.
Attire: Unlike her hair, her choice of clothing tends to be loose-fitting and drab. A reflection on her personality. Still up to speed with trends though, drapey and modern. Wears a lot of her self-created ornaments; rings, necklaces and decorative chain harnesses.
The Good:
-Resourceful, independent, learns quickly.
-A dreamer, philosophical, thoughtful
-Takes orders
-Thorough and perfectionist
-Balances arguments, cautious in decision making.
The Quirks:
-Hobby in ornamental metal-working. Jewellery particularly. She has a small amateur online business
-Interest in weapon collecting- in relationship with her metalwork. Particularly fascinated with decorative or ceremonial swords, daggers etc.
The Bad:
-Weak willed (but not cowardly, just submits easily)
-Self conscious, judgemental-relies a lot on first appearances
-Follows the crowd, sometimes the wrong one
-Always feels a need to please others to be taken seriously.
-Struggles to feel comfortable around most people.
The Ugly
-Fears abandonment
-Hates being a burden on someone.
-Hates noisy, outspoken people
Combat Abilities (if needed)
Weapon: Light, quick blade: rapier/ katana? And additional throwing knives. Rope and other vital equipment for escape.
Technique: Speed, evasion, or avoidance of a fight completely, if possible. Whatever takes minimal injury to herself.
Non-physical abilities: Urm, thinking of one later
Lower middle class. Has two half-brothers. Her biological mother and step-father both passed away early due to illness (murder seems too cheeseball). The three of them went to live with the boys' biological mother. She was treated well, but often felt uncomfortable/ not belonging. Moved out as soon as she was of age. Travels, a bit of a roamer, on a minor quest to find her biological father. Currently works as a waitress, and on her online shop.
blahblahblah, two more to come and will rework them.
Doing more research on character archetypes to help me out and avoid cliches.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
And you thought you'd...
...never catch such a glamorous Gaga in an awkward pose. For those unfamiliar with her without heavy make-up, look here. Yes, part of it was a nude photoshoot. Don't say you weren't warned.

Before someone attacks me,I'm not a hater (for those crazy fans out there), just thought it would be funny to let you see. >_>
Before someone attacks me,I'm not a hater (for those crazy fans out there), just thought it would be funny to let you see. >_>
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 5 — Your dreams
Damn, I don't care about posting letters daily anymore. :C
Dreams have a great significance to me. Whilst I can't always remember or interpret my dreams, I pay as much attention as I can to them.
Dreams are manifestations of our subconscious, a part of us that sleeps passively, but yet contains truths, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. Often, illness or unhappiness arises from not paying attention to this part of mind.
Dreams act as mirrors of reality, ourselves analysing what has past. At the same time, the imagination explores the other possibilities that could have happened, picks out and emphasises important details we often miss. As a result, dreams do not appear to make sense on face value. Much of the messages remain coded.
For example, you walk across a blank piece of paper while dreaming of your school routine. Normally, in reality, such a thing wouldn't really matter. In my case, I soon realized it was a concern about getting in a sick note I had forgotten for a while.
For the most part, my dreams aren't entirely that remarkable, I find that most of my dreams often carry messages of concern. It might be just that expressing these worries as dreams provides an outlet for stress, help keeping our mind in balance.
Dreams have a great significance to me. Whilst I can't always remember or interpret my dreams, I pay as much attention as I can to them.
Dreams are manifestations of our subconscious, a part of us that sleeps passively, but yet contains truths, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. Often, illness or unhappiness arises from not paying attention to this part of mind.
Dreams act as mirrors of reality, ourselves analysing what has past. At the same time, the imagination explores the other possibilities that could have happened, picks out and emphasises important details we often miss. As a result, dreams do not appear to make sense on face value. Much of the messages remain coded.
For example, you walk across a blank piece of paper while dreaming of your school routine. Normally, in reality, such a thing wouldn't really matter. In my case, I soon realized it was a concern about getting in a sick note I had forgotten for a while.
For the most part, my dreams aren't entirely that remarkable, I find that most of my dreams often carry messages of concern. It might be just that expressing these worries as dreams provides an outlet for stress, help keeping our mind in balance.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Back to my musical roots...
Yep, it's about time I find some new music, clear out the old stereotyped stuff and start anew. Currently trying out Crystal Castles and seeing if I can get my hands on Negetive Format...but my current addiction is Baptism by Crystal Castles, I don't know why, I think most people would find it nothing more than clashy noise, but it really has an unusual hypnotic quality about it. It's definitely on repeat on my ipod for the next few weeks.
Don't worry if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I don't really know either. I just know what I like and listen to it.
Edit: moaaarr
List to listen to:
-Liquid Divine
-Kap bambino
-Seize (ooh they have a new album? I wonder if it's any good)
-Mesh (They nicked a memeber from Seize)
With Seize and Mesh, I'll have to hear a little more-they sound a little...generic because of their synthpop structure
Don't worry if you have no idea what I'm talking about, I don't really know either. I just know what I like and listen to it.
Edit: moaaarr
List to listen to:
-Liquid Divine
-Kap bambino
-Seize (ooh they have a new album? I wonder if it's any good)
-Mesh (They nicked a memeber from Seize)
With Seize and Mesh, I'll have to hear a little more-they sound a little...generic because of their synthpop structure
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